Title VI Complaint Procedure 
These procedures are for complaints of discrimination under Title VI and related laws (hereafter “Title VI Complaints”). In order to be a Title VI Complaint, the complaint must:
1. Allege discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin (including LEP), sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), creed, or age or violates administrative requirements under Title VI or related laws.
2. Not only be for employment matters.
3. Allege misconduct by the Lincoln Airport Authority, including airport employees, contractors, concessionaires, lessees, or tenants.
4. Concern an airport facility or actions by the Lincoln Airport Authority including airport employees, contractors, concessionaires, lessees, or tenants.
Any person who believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin (including LEP), sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), creed, or age has the right to file a complaint with the Lincoln Airport Authority. Alternatively, they can file a formal complaint with an outside agency, such as the U.S. Departments of Justice or Transportation, or the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), or seek other legal remedies.
Receipt of Complaint
The Coordinator will log in the complaint and promptly send copies of the complaint to the office that is involved in the complaint and the Executive Director. Complaints must be filed within 180 days of the discriminatory event, must be in writing, and must be delivered to:
Chad Lay
2400 W Adams Street,
Lincoln NE 68524
If a complaint is initially made by phone, it must be supplemented with a written complaint before 180 days after the discriminatory event has passed. If a verbal complaint is received, the complainant should be given a copy of the Airport Discrimination Complaint Procedures and instructed to submit a written complaint.
Accommodation will be provided upon request to individuals unable to file a written complaint due to a disability.
Initial Procedure
The Coordinator may meet with the complainant to clarify the issues, obtain additional information, and determine if informal resolution might be possible in lieu of an investigation. If successfully resolved, the Coordinator will issue a closure letter to the complainant, record the disposition in the complaints log, and report the resolution to FAA.